Is Acting Funny: The Beginning Stage
Children's View of Alzheimer's
Lori Aden & Sheila Parsley
Children's Picture Book, Alzheimer's

Dreya has been noticing that her grandma is starting to act funny,
but she doesn’t know why. Her family explains that all these new
funny and strange behaviors are a result of an illness called
Alzheimer’s. In this first book, Dreya notices that Grandma forgets
her name, loses track of things, and asks questions over and over
again. Join Dreya and her whimsical family as she shares a
heartwarming story of her memories with Grandma before Alzheimer's
along with the new behaviors she is noticing in the beginning stage
of this disease.
it HERE!
Is Acting Funny: The Middle Stage
Children's View of Alzheimer's
Dreya's grandma is still acting funny and strange. She learns that
her grandma is now moving into the Middle Stage of Alzheimer's. In
this second book of the series, Dreya shares some of these behaviors,
such as how her grandma got lost one day, doesn't want to take baths
and doesn't like to eat her broccoli anymore. Join Dreya and her
whimsical family as she explains how she feels when she notices these
unusual behaviors.
it HERE!

Is Acting Funny: The Late Stage
Children's View of Alzheimer's
Dreya’s grandma is now in the Late Stage of Alzheimer’s and her
funny and strange behavior continues. In this third and final book of
the series, Dreya shares how her grandma puts her clothes on
backwards, forgets simple tasks like how to eat, and doesn’t talk
clearly anymore. Join Dreya as she shares these and other behaviors
about the Late Stage of Alzheimer’s.
it HERE!
Lori Aden is an educator by trade with over 30 years of experience in
K12 and higher education. With a master's degree in Education
Technology and a doctorate in Teacher Leadership, Lori used her
education experience to research Alzheimer's caregiving from many
different perspectives while caring for her mother. Lori successfully
completed the EssentialALZ@ Alzheimer's
Association Training and Certification program to become a more
knowledgeable advocate for Alzheimer's caregiving and education. She
works full-time as a program coordinator for one of the largest
education service centers in Texas and part-time as an adjunct
instructor for a community college. However, her proudest roles are
wife, sister, mom, and nana. Most importantly, she is the devoted
daughter of Marylin, who is the inspiration behind this book series
and her first book, "I Remember Me - The Mom Chronicles."
Parsley, sister of co-author Lori, earned a master's degree in
Counseling and has worked in the mental health field for over 23
years. Sheila successfully completed the EssentialALZ@ Alzheimer's
Association Training and Certification program. When she is not
working, she can be found reading or in the kitchen baking for family
and friends with her Texas Cottage Bakery business called "Treasured
Treats and Trinkets." She loves all things dragons and was the
inspiration behind using a whimsical dragon family for this book
series. Sheila was an integral part of the caregiving for her mother,
Marylin. She would drive to Dallas every other weekend for over six
years to spend valuable time with her mom and give her sister and
brother-in-law respite breaks.
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