Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Star Writers Club



 For it was written in the stars...

The Star Writers Club

The Star Writers Trilogy Book 2

by Mary K. Savarese

Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Mystery Romance

Book 2 of the StarWriters Trilogy follows twelve new arrivals to the band that surrounds Heaven. Together, they must train to deliver His Plan to the stars.

But when the evil Beck decides otherwise, the StarWriters are called into action to save three members who were just sucked through the gates and into the pits of Hell.

Follow our StarWriters as they trek across the villages of the band and learn how His Plan is distributed by those working in His Plan room. Will the good/evil clocks continue to click toward evil, or will our StarWriters prevail and turn the fate of time?

It is only by combining their strengths and wisdom not yet learned that they just might succeed. Perhaps by accepting their last few moments on Earth, they might endure what awaits. For it is Written in the Stars.

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**Don’t miss Book 1 **

The Girl in the Toile Wallpaper

The Star Writers Trilogy Book 1

Find it on Amazon

I was born and grew up in Brooklyn, New York, going on to earn a business degree in accounting from City University, NY. Soon after I found myself working in insurance and financing and went on to marry my wonderful husband. We moved to New England.

I have spent thirteen years as a religious education teacher and have lived and worked in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. For the past decade, I have served as a Eucharistic minister at my local Catholic church, bringing the Eucharist to community nursing homes. After raising a family in CT, my husband and I became Florida Residents though continue to spend time in CT where I continue in my ministry

My debut novel is a contemporary Spiritual Mystery that transcends three genres: Mystery, Spirituality, and Romance. I love to write imaginative stories for all ages! I hope you enjoy this story and look out for more to follow! Tigers Love Bubble Baths & Obsession Perfume (who knew!)has received 5 Stars from Readers' Favorites and global award from Royal DragonFly.

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Monday, July 29, 2024

The Tarnished Son



 A tourist’s death, an alluring young teacher, a father’s carnal desires, and a stepdaughter’s vendetta ultimately destroy a village dynasty.  

The Tarnished Son

by Elizabeth McKenna

Genre: Domestic Suspense  

 “This is a nice, quiet town. Things like that don’t happen around here.”

But they do.

In THE TARNISHED SON, a tourist’s death, an alluring young teacher, a father’s carnal desires, and a stepdaughter’s vendetta ultimately destroy a village dynasty.

The respected Clark family has governed Williams Bay since 1837. On a hot August day, seventeen-year-old Liam causes a tragic boating accident. What happens next—infidelity, drugs, theft, and more—deepens long-hidden cracks in the family’s façade, exposing their secrets and tarnishing their golden image.

Meet the family:

William Sr., the grandfather who rules the family and the village with an iron fist
Hank, the father who lets temptations lead him on a path of self-destruction
Liam, the shining son who gets away with everything
Rose, the stepdaughter who has had enough and pushes the whole house down

Grab some popcorn and watch the destruction unfold in Elizabeth McKenna's unpredictable family drama!

Praise for The Tarnished Son

“I could not guess where the story was going, and I found the plot to be interesting and dramatic, but also believable.” ~ Lacy Challe, beta reader

“The book caught my attention really quick, and I found myself invested in the story right away.” ~ Kathleen Fossum, beta reader

Goodreads – 5 stars “This was a wonderful book. Each chapter brings another twist or an unexpected turn of events. Each character surprises you throughout the book. You think you know them and then wow, you really don’t. If you love a book that is filled with twists, turns and interesting characters this is the one for you! It is one you will not be able to put down!”

Goodreads – 4 stars “A steady paced, suspenseful drama. This was well written and easy to read. Intriguing and heartbreaking.”

**Get it for Only .99cents for a limited time!**

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 Elizabeth McKenna’s love of books reaches back to her childhood, where her tastes ranged from Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys to Stephen King’s horror stories.

Her novels reflect her mercurial temperament and include romances, mysteries, and suspense. Some are “clean,” and some are “naughty,” so she has a book for your every mood.

Elizabeth lives in Wisconsin with her understanding husband and Sidney, the rescue dog from Tennessee. When she isn’t writing, reading, or walking the dog that never tires, she’s sleeping.

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Mirrored Wounds



 When the present mirrors her past wounds, Laura begins to unravel  

Mirrored Wounds

by Rebecca Christo

Genre: Contemporary Women’s Fiction, Psychological Mystery

 Laura's life was finally good. She'd freed herself from the clutches of an abusive partner, left an unrewarding career as an interior designer to follow her dreams of becoming a writer, and was finally happy. And things were only getting better. Her very first novel had struck a chord with readers and become a bestseller, but when the murder she'd described in its pages suddenly gets played out in real life, with her beloved husband as the victim, it is obvious to her that she looks guilty, despite having an alibi that would have been difficult to fake.

As the investigation proceeds, with little or no progress being made, bizarre happenings in the security-protected home she'd shared with her husband have her questioning her own sanity, despite the reassurance of her therapist. Could she have murdered the first man to ever make her feel truly loved and secure and then just ... forgotten somehow? Surely not. But as even more troubling events come to light, with no logical explanation besides her own guilt, she finds herself questioning everything she knows to be true ... including her own innocence.

 Avid dog lover and Author Rebecca Christo was born in Toronto, Ontario, where she developed an early love of both reading and writing. Of particular interest to her was creating a story with emotionally mature content that was still entertaining enough to be read for fun on a relaxing vacation. She hopes she’s succeeded with her very first published novel: Mirrored Wounds.

When she’s not travelling with her husband, Darcy Christo, Rebecca enjoys spending time with him, her children Ali, Brittany and Maxwell, and her puppies (Lucy and Winston) in Wasaga Beach, Ontario where she currently lives.

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sweet Realms of Deception



Thrust into the shadowy world of a mafia family, her story is a dance on the razor's edge, where trust is a luxury and every move could be her last.
Keoni Nani, a master of woodcraft, finds his simple life complicated by love and peril. Their lives intertwine in a narrative rich with suspense, where love blossoms in the most unexpected of places, against a backdrop of a deadly game of cat and mouse.
When he met Lizette, he had no idea it would throw him into the world of mystery, murder, and romance with a twist . . .

Sweet Realms of Deception




A few weeks into her new job, someone had finally asked her to join them at Off the Hook, the bar down the street. Guess she was lucky, she didn’t expect to get included so soon. She was acclimating to the job, the minor issues they had her take care of, and the people were friendly, almost like a family.

Yup, they were a ‘family’ all right.

She’d arrived, stood at the door, and moved to the side, pretending to get used to the loss of sunlight. Lizette scoped the place out. There were back stairs to the right going to a room on the second floor with a window overlooking the bar–most likely the manager’s office. Emergency exit signs hung above the swinging doors to the left and behind the bar.

A hot guy was working behind the bar, blond, blue eyes, and not her type, although, she wouldn’t mind having some fun with him.

He’d have a lot of information tucked away inside his head. He may not know how important those little tidbits could be for her.

He didn’t fit the scene. The man looked like a surfer dude, with a smile to make all the women’s panties drop. It struck her as odd that he worked in a rough neighborhood like this.

 Lizette joined the small group at the table. She turned her work phone to vibrate and placed it face down.

Buck pulled out a chair next to him. “What would you like? A virgin Zombie, virgin margarita, virgin mimosa?”

Lizette chuckled. “Actually, a non-virgin Zombie or Sex on the Beach.” She looked at the bartender when he approached the table and offered a wicked grin. “Or, Sex with the Bartender.”

Buck’s mouth dropped.

The blond bartender grinned. “Sex with the Bartender coming right up.”

She smiled wide and tapped Buck’s hand. “It’s a drink.”

Mitzi, the boss’ secretary and mistress, laughed. “Told you she wasn’t a straight-laced teetotaler.”

Walter said, “You look so–”

Lizette thanked the bartender for bringing her drink. “That’s why they hired me, isn’t it?”

The three of them nodded. Mitzi responded, “Absolutely.”

A larger group from the yard came in and pretty much took over the conversation, talking shop. The more they drank, the more information and insight Lizette got about what was happening on the docks.

She had ordered a second drink when her phone buzzed.

Picking up the phone, she went out front so she could hear.

“Hey, it’s Buzzy.”

“What’s up?”

“I’ve been pulled over. They did a breathalyzer and the cop said I was over the legal limit but let me call you.”

Really? “Okay, where are you?”

“I might be 1000 feet from the bar. We cannot leave the car here. He said he’d wait for you before he took me in.”

“Okay. I’ll be right there.”

She went into the bar and let them know she had to leave. Lizette paid her tab and hurried out the door.

She could see the flashing lights and walked up the hill. When she approached the vehicles, the police officer introduced himself and gave her his card.

Buzzy handed her the keys and whispered, “You need to take it to the boss’ house.”


Fear and desperation reflected in his eyes and voice. There was a bruise on his cheek; his lips were swollen and bleeding. “I mean, now. Don’t let it sit. When you drop it off, Lenny will bring you back here. And then you can take your regular evening jog along the north shore.”

Lenny, bodyguard/driver, was a tough one. He was a brute of a man and looked like the stereotypical, Mafia bodyguard. He wouldn’t blink when he slit your throat.

Her heart thumped. Would she meet the boss or would someone else be there to take the car from her?

She called the ‘number’. The one she was told to use only when absolutely necessary.

Whoever answered the phone seemed a bit peeved, but handed the call over to the boss. She recognized his very distinctive voice immediately.

Lizette explained what happened with Buzzy and she was on the way with the car.

Irritation reflected in his tone, “I’ll be expecting you. Lenny will bring you to the jail to bond Buzzy out and then return you to your car.”

In the rearview mirror, she watched the police car make a U-turn. “I should be there in about twenty minutes.”

“Don’t stop anywhere.”

“Yes, sir.”

Lenny was standing under the carriage port waiting for her. He opened the passenger door with a snap. She’d expected him to jump in but instead, he lifted the seat and pulled out a leather bag. He dropped the seat back down and demanded, “Stay here.”

His silhouette approached a man at a desk. It was the boss. The boss walked to the window, waved, and handed Lenny a small package.

Lenny returned and gave her directions to the jail. It was the only thing he said to her. Within the hour, arrangements were made and the three headed to Off the Hook.

He parked next to her car and she jumped out. She stopped near the hood of her car.

“Not so fast.” He walked to her and handed her the envelope the boss had given him. “Open it when you get home.”

Lizette folded it and tucked it in the front pocket of her pencil skirt. “Thank you.”

He nodded. “Try not to become a worker bee, kiddo.”

She shook her head and touched his arm. “Definitely not the colony I want to be in. Thanks again.”

His mouth dropped. For a split second, she could see his appalled expression. If she hadn’t been watching his eyes, Lizette would’ve missed it.

“I don’t like being touched.”


Lenny grunted and walked away.

Lizette watched him drive off with Buzzy and approached her car. She decided to wait, and went inside for another drink. Surfer dude was bartending and she sat in the corner where she could remain unnoticed.

It was a different crowd; a little rowdier, but then again, they were watching the Twins play.

The bartender approached her and placed a napkin on the bar. “Sex with the Bartender?”

She laughed. “I ordered that to bust their agates. And yes, I’d thoroughly enjoy having the bartender, but I’d rather have a rum and coke for now.”

 Have a good moments day!

Thank you.

Grab your copy today.


my website: www.PamelaAckerson.net


Friday, July 26, 2024

Daughter of the Lost



Daughter of the Lost is a roller-coaster journey of self-exploration and finding family-even among your mortal enemies.

Daughter of the Lost

The Porn Star’s Daughter Book 2

by Kay Stephens

Genre: New Adult College Romance 

When the freshman party ends, the sophomore hangover hits.

Trinity Tachel has no use for society's rules. Not after the New Orleans police failed to investigate the murder of her sex-worker mother. Not after she was abandoned to the Louisiana foster care system as a child. And certainly not after fighting through freshman year to prove herself worthy of a spot at the prestigious Filton University.

Trinity is overjoyed when she's invited to spend the summer in the Los Angeles mansion of retired porn star Missy Mariola. Escape the daily struggle to survive as a New Orleans college student? Yes please. Shock proper society by openly embracing an adult film star? Even better.

But when Trinity returns to New Orleans for her sophomore year, she's an unrecognizable version of herself.

Missy Mariola has taken over Trinity's life. Missy doesn't want Trinity to work, makes all the rules-and even chooses Trinity's housemates. Trinity finds herself living with people she despises, including a hot New Orleans cop who has a frustrating habit of showing up during her worst moments.

Trinity has to decide if she wants to remain the abandoned child of her past or embrace a future with people who love her.

Daughter of the Lost is a roller-coaster journey of self-exploration and finding family-even among your mortal enemies.

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Get book 1, The Porn Star’s Daughter FREE July 22-26!!

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KAY STEPHENS is a lawyer turned romance novelist, divorcée turned member of the illustrious third-wives club, and party girl turned . . . uncomfortably old party lady. Kay spent her early days living throughout the world, from Boston to Barcelona to New Orleans, before finally settling down in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She has the extraordinary privilege to write every day due only to the loving support of her wild-ass husband and four crazy teenagers. She has written for Your Tango and been featured in Bustle and Female First among others.

Kay’s debut novel, The Porn Star’s Daughter, is a steamy, laugh-out-loud story about self-acceptance and sexual empowerment. Kay writes for the people who like to shame the slut shamers, who wear their too-tight skirts with pride, and who laugh at society’s ever-conflicting expectations of them.

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Wild Child



She’s the MC President’s daughter and she’s off limits. But we’re on a road trip together and there’s only one bed! 

Wild Child

Wild Heart Mountain: Wild Riders MC Book 10

by Sadie King

Genre: Contemporary MC Romance 

She’s the MC President’s daughter, she’s off limits, we’re on a road trip together and there’s only one bed!

Charlie is spontaneous and wild. She’s utterly gorgeous and intent on contradicting everything I say.
She frustrates the heck out of me and turns me on in equal measure.
I shouldn’t fall for the feisty MC President’s daughter.
She’s off limits and fifteen years younger than me.
I’m ex-military and stuck in my ways, she’s a free spirit who follows her heart.
We’re opposites in every way.
But when we’re stuck on a road trip together, and there’s only one bed I don’t know how long this ex-soldier’s defences will hold…

Wild Child is a forbidden love, age gap, forced proximity, steamy romance novella featuring an ex-military biker and the curvy younger woman who's off limits.

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Wild Ride

Wild Heart Mountain: Wild Riders MC Book 1

If an attractive ex-military biker offered to give you anything you desired, what would you ask for?

Mom always made the decisions for me: Go to college, get a good job in the city, find a nice man in a suit.
Instead, I’ve lost my job and I’ve lost my apartment. I’m single, I still have my v-card, and I’m wildly attracted to the bearded, tattooed biker who rescued me and my broken-down Caddy.
I’ve only ever done things to please Mom until I meet Colter.
He offers me a weekend of yes. One entire weekend where he will do whatever I ask of him.
It’s a fun game at first, but as the weekend goes on, I realize the only thing I want from him is one he’s not prepared to give: his heart.

I don’t do relationships. I have my MC club, my vintage bike collection, and my oversized dog. Women are trouble and best left alone.
But when I see Danni, stranded on the side of my mountain and looking like a pin-up straight out of the fifties, I can’t resist. It’s been a long time since I let a woman on the back of my bike. But Danni is one curvy exception.
She’s spent too long pleasing others, and now it’s my duty to please her.
As long as she knows it’s just for the weekend…

Wild Ride is a forced proximity steamy instalove age gap romance featuring an ex-military mountain man biker and the curvy younger woman who steals his heart.

Authors Note: Wild Ride is a short steamy story that can be read in a couple of hours. If you love a quickie then this one's for you.

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**Don’t miss the rest of the series!**

If you love damaged heroes and curvy girl romance then you’ll love the Wild Riders MC.

This group of ex-military bikers fall hard and fall fast when they encounter the curvy women who heal their hearts.

Expect forced proximity, forbidden love, age gap, fake relationships, single dads, single moms and off limits love with OTT protector heroes who will do anything for the women they love.

Spend some time with Wild Heart Mountain’s Wild Riders MC, the MC that’s all heart.

Find them on Amazon

Sadie King is a USA Today Best Selling Author of short instalove romance. 

She lives in New Zealand with her ex-military husband and raucous young son.

When she’s not writing she loves catching waves with her son, running along the beach, and good wine, preferably drunk with a book in hand.

Keep in touch when you sign up for her newsletter. You’ll even snag yourself a free short romance! www.authorsadieking.com/free

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Reluctant Earl



 A housekeeper with a dangerous secret; an earl with an emotional wound.

Can love survive amid a maelstrom of secrets and lies?

The Reluctant Earl

Heirs and Graces Book 1

by Pamela Gibson

Genre: Historical Regency Romance  

 Gerren Stafford, sailor and Cornish wrestler, ran away to sea when his gentle older brother was taunted and killed in a duel, and vowed never to set foot in his homeland again. When a stranger informs him he is the new Earl of Siltsbury, Gerren reluctantly returns to England with a hidden purpose, and to assume a role for which he is woefully unprepared.

Then he meets Anna.

Anna Jeffries is a baroness who is keeping her aristocratic connections a secret. She uses her new position as Siltsbury housekeeper to hide from her late husband’s successor, a man she suspects arranged her husband’s death and is now threatening her with harm if she “dares to spread her vile rumors.”

Drawn together by friendship, loneliness, and hidden emotional wounds, Anna and Gerren find solace in passion. But can they find an enduring love or are there too many secrets and lies between them?

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 Author of eight books on California history and twenty-two romance novels, Pamela Gibson is a former City Manager who retired with her husband to the Southern Nevada desert. Having spent several years messing about in boats, a hobby that included a five-thousand-mile trip in a 32-foot Nordic Tug, she now spends most of her time indoors happily reading, writing, cooking and keeping up with the antics of Ralph, her Siamese cat. She loves dry red wine, all kinds of chocolate, old Jimmy Buffet sailing songs, and curling up with a good book. You can find her in these places:

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bad Bugs



 This is a psychological thriller.

And a love story.

And it might be disturbing.

Bad Bugs

Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer Book 1

by Timothy Freriks

Genre: Psychological Thriller

This book is told through the twisted but rational mind of Michael Stammons, a serial killer. Stammons tells the story in a somewhat off-handed style, which might be creepy to some. But it is his story, justifications for his actions. He wants you to believe.

This is a psychological thriller.

And a love story.

And it might be disturbing.

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Mr. Freriks is a multiple award-winning novelist now living in Nashville after 40 years in Tampa, Florida. An architect, a life-long entrepreneur, businessman, inventor, open-water sailor, pilot, and writer, he has authored twenty novels, mostly conspiracy and crime thrillers. However, some of his award-winning books are in the genres of historical fiction, science fiction, dystopian, and... well, hard to describe.

He is also the author of The Strong Startup, a clear and functional road map to starting a business from just an idea. It is a guide for early-stage entrepreneurs to make sure they have a salable product before they build a business.

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Timothy Freriks

Several decades ago, when I was just starting out in my first career, real estate, I hired a man whose full name I’d rather not share. I’ll call him Robert. In those days, researching someone’s background was not easy; I didn’t think to consult the police department. He had the right attitude and history (I thought), was charismatic, seemed eager to learn and perform, and seemed trustworthy.

Robert’s version of his past experience, I would find, was total fiction. It didn’t matter at the time because he did have a considerable ability to gain the trust of prospective tenants.

For two years, we worked together. Although quirks—mainly of a sexual conquest nature—popped up, I ignored them. He appeared to be as normal as anyone else.

Then, he was gone for a month. When he came back, he was different, odd, and distracted. Coincidentally, or so I thought, a murder case was under investigation in Cleveland. I don’t know how it came about, but we got to talking about what it felt like to kill someone. Robert brightened oddly and became engaged. He then focused on how he would kill someone—and why.

To him, killing someone who, in his opinion, deserved death was an ‘act of love for the community’. To him, he was justified to believe that philosophy and act on it. Again, in his words: ‘A murderer might be called insane, but in his mind, he’s normal. Weird, right?’. The clear inference was that taking the life of an evil person was honorable and justified, and it was okay even though most people wouldn’t understand that.

I became quite disturbed, obviously. My partner and I decided to fire him, but we were afraid to do so. It didn’t matter: shortly after that, he was arrested for the murder I referenced above. And he was linked to another murder a year before we met.

He was found innocent by reason of insanity. The last I heard, he was still in a mental institution. But I never forgot—and never will forget—his chilling words. I have always wondered what being inside his mind must have been like.

Timothy Freriks, author

Bad Bugs